
Diablo 2 single player assassin build
Diablo 2 single player assassin build

diablo 2 single player assassin build

Use armor that provides the best defense and resistance, rather than armor that provides skill boosts.This build focuses on out-maneuvering your opponent, so you want to speed yourself up and slow your enemies down at every opportunity. Stack Crushing Blow, Critical Strike, and Open Wounds mods as best you can, as these are crucial to make this build reach its maximum potential.Dexterity: Enough to wear desired items and raise block to 75% if using a shield.Strength: Enough to wear desired items.Weapon: Your primary set should be Cunning Katars, and your secondary set should be Shadow Katars.Death Sentry will then explode corpses to deal additional damage.

diablo 2 single player assassin build diablo 2 single player assassin build

Then, immediately switch to your primary set and spam Lightning Sentry or Wake of Inferno. It's best to have your secondary set active with Burst of Speed and Shadow Master when approaching dangerous areas, then activate Cloak of Shadows to stall groups of monsters you encounter. This build requires moderate skill in switching abilities.Vitality: Dump almost all your stat points in Vitality.Cloak of Shadows: 1 (to evade) or Mind Blast: 1 (to stun).This Assassin build does not get in the heat of battle but works from the sidelines to deal massive damage to enemies while their teammates distract them. Since lightning traps deal the most damage, this is the most common Trap Assassin build. Shockbringer is an Assassin build that focuses on using traps to deal damage.

Diablo 2 single player assassin build